And here we are... another 12 months down the line and Christmas is upon us again. A time to celebrate and be thankful. A time to live in the moment, and remember the past. A time to spend with loved ones, family and friends. A time for giving and sharing.
If you didn’t know already, Christmas is one of my favourite times of year.
Living in Lanzarote means it’s a few days when I get to take some time for myself and really enjoy the company of those close to me.
I have many fond memories of Christmas back in Ireland. The dark evenings and log fire crackled as we huddled around to keep warm. The laughter as we shared tales of years gone by, enjoying a mince pie and a glass of wine and the smell of the cooking food in the kitchen. And best of all smiling with the people we chose to spend the moment with. It’s hard to beat a traditional Irish Christmas.
I loved the sound of the church choir singing the carols as the bells chimed on Christmas Eve. I wonder if any of you will be fortunate enough for a picture postcard white Christmas this season?
Christmas T.V. is also something that has created many special memories for me. It’s a time to bring out the classics. The ones we’ve seen time and time again. The ones we never tire of. The ones that create a true sense, and feeling, that it’s that festive time of year once again.
There will, of course, be people this year who can’t celebrate Christmas as they would like, and it's important that we spare a moment of thought for those who can’t afford to heat their homes or buy gifts for their children. For some of us, it’s the first Christmas after the loss of a loved one. We’ve had some difficult years recently. If there was a Christmas wish that could come true, wouldn’t it be that everyone could enjoy at least the gift of happiness over the festive period?
For the newlyweds who said ‘Yes’ in 2022, this is your first Christmas as husband and wife, and who knows, maybe the first Christmas with the pitter-patter of tiny feet as well. What a magical time for them to celebrate together as a family for the first time.
I’d like to take a moment to thank all the wonderful couples I’ve had the privilege of working alongside this year. It’s been truly an honour to create and be a part of, your special day and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for trusting me to make it happen.
And so, Merry Christmas, to one and all.
At the very least, I hope you can share a smile and feel the happiness you all deserve on the 25th. I will raise a glass to you all and wish you the most joyous of days and a bright future for 2023.
Always with Love. Ann x
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