It’s that time of year again. Doesn’t it come around so quickly? You wouldn’t believe a whole year had passed by already.
Let’s hope that this Christmas will be a better one for us all. Last year was a difficult one.
Christmas is one of the only times of year that we get a chance to take a deep breath, reflect and catch up with loved ones. For those of you who were lucky enough to get married to your loved ones this year, it’s your first Christmas as Mr and Mrs.
However, despite the Christmas wind down, it’s all go here at the Weddings by Ann Leneghan office.

I am not only preparing for Christmas (the decorations go up at the weekend…so excited), but also getting ready for the Wedding Journal Show in City West, Dublin on February 12th and 13th 2022, but that’s another story. Will you be there? Details to follow soon.
There is so much to look forward to.
It might come as no surprise to some of you, but I absolutely LOVE Christmas. It is, without doubt, my favourite time of the year and always brings back such happy memories of being a child, growing up in Ireland where we experienced old school freedoms like running through the fields and woods. We only ever returned home when we heard Mam calling us in for our supper!
We would spend hours with crepe and tissue paper making the hanging decorations and collecting holly to make up the wreaths.
But without a doubt, my favourite part was putting up and decorating Christmas tree (it still is).
We’d fight over who would put the star on top… which usually resulted in my oldest brother winning the argument.

On Christmas morning we would wake early and head to Mass where I sang in the choir. The sound of the Christmas Carols echoing through the church created such a magical atmosphere.
After mass, we would head back home to help prepare the Christmas lunch. Mam would make Christmas puddings for us all and her friends /neighbours (she had her own special recipe). Maybe it’s time to unearth the recipes and resurrect this family tradition.
Speaking of traditions, we used to hand down items we owned or wore to the next generations. Is that something that happens much these days?
This Christmas is tinged with an element of sadness too. Like so many of you, we have lost loved ones in the last 18 months.
But I am still putting up the tree. Not only in the office, but also at home. The house needs some cheer, it feels a bit empty and sad but what better time to bring it back to life. After all. It’s a time to celebrate. Not only who we have around us, but who we have shared our lives with.
Like so many of you will understand, I start to get the Christmas bug when the shops start putting up all the Christmas decorations and playing the Christmas music.
Here on Lanzarote it’s a bit different to back home. The lights and decorations usually only come out here at the end of November/first week of December. But it’s still a magical time. A time for reflection, catching up with loved ones, remembering those who are not with us this year. A time for giving physical gifts and also offering our time to help others in need. But most of all it’s a time for hope. A time to look forward to a new year and better times.
I will be spending this Christmas in Lanzarote. One of my sisters lives on the island and having family close by is so important. We will be sharing some quality time together and no doubt a few glasses of deliciously warm mulled wine. I will also be welcoming some of my family next week for an early Christmas celebration.

So from our house to all of you.
We wish you an amazing Christmas, full of love, laughter and happiness and time spent with those you love.
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