There are loads of great DIY-wedding ideas, but when travelling abroad you have to keep in mind of it being easy to carry on a plane. These are some of our favourites that our brides made themselves over the years …
Wedding Programs
All of your big day information can be printed on whatever type of paper suits, it can even perform as double duty here on the Canary Islands as your guests can use it as a fan simply by adding a paddle stick.
Wine Bottle Seating Chart
You´ll need to drink a few bottles of wine to create this one, don´t think anyone would see that as a problem, but we were in love with this seating chart at one of our weddings in 2019.

After drinking all those bottles of wine, you´ll have plenty of corks to create table number holders or placecards.
Wedding Signage
If you´re a little artsy and have nice handwriting, you can create beautiful wedding signage. These ones were made on the island, but you could create some smaller pieces.

You can use just about any object that matches the theme as long as you can either write on it or have it hold a card. We've seen objects from leaves to stones to crystals and everything in between.

From creating your own bouquet, boutonnière for your groom and flower crowns for the flower girls … you can create some stunning flower arrangements with dried flowers. We haven´t seen this yet with one of our own brides, will you be the first?
Alexandra Haesen
Weddings Planner Lanzarote
Weddings by Ann Leneghan
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