I'll be keeping it short and sweet today.
We're all busy eating one more mince pie, rustling through the sweet wrappers to find the last, elusive Quality Street! and giving thanks to be still standing.
As we look forward to 2022, we also take time to reflect on the year gone by. What are you thankful for this year?
It's been a crazy one, hasn't it? At the start of 2021 we were hoping it wouldn't be as crazy as 2020, but in reality it's given it a good run for it's money.
Things have been busier than expected, but 2021 has also been tinged with sadness.
2021 has seen some of us losing loved ones, and many couples had to take the tough decision to cancel or postpone their dream wedding yet again.

So, what are we thankful for…?
- I'm so thankful that I am still standing here after the toughest time of my business life.
- Thankful to be able to keep doing what we love to do.
- Thankful for the unending support from our wonderful family, friends, work colleagues and amazing couples
- And... I'm always thankful for my health
- I'm so thankful that I get to see in another New Year and look forward to an amazing 2022.
We´ll be sharing lots of ideas and bringing you all the trends for 2022 weddings in our next Blog.
I hope that 2022 brings you all happiness, peace, good health and lots of love.
Wishing you all a Happy New Year. Celebrate, and enjoy!
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I hope you took some time off to relax over Christmas… now let the Lanzarote wedding planning for 2022 begin!